10 Reasons Why Wildlife Is Important

The term “wildlife” may conjure images of animals, but flora is also included in many conservation standards and related topics. These organisms are present in the wild and were not brought here by humans. Every habitat, including woods, seas, deserts, and more, is home to a variety of creatures. Why is wildlife important? Ten reasons are listed below:

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1. Wildlife keeps ecosystems in balance

All living things are interconnected. An ecosystem as a whole is impacted when even a single creature is endangered or goes extinct. It upends the food chain and causes environmental upheavals. It’s also critical to understand that threats to a species are rarely isolated incidents. Other pollinators are also at risk from the same things that endanger, instance, honeybees. Every species has to be preserved for ecosystems to flourish.

2. More diversity promotes more robust ecosystems

The word “biodiversity” is frequently used in discussions about animals. This is a reference to the total species inside an ecosystem. Ecosystems in good health are highly diverse. Why does this matter? Think about plants. More productivity and improved health are associated with a diverse range of plants. A disease that affects fewer plant species spreads more quickly and efficiently. Greater diversity translates with improved resistance.

#3. Humans get their nourishment from wildlife

Everything we eat was previously produced by an animal or plant. Crops and animals were once considered wildness, even if we don’t consume as much “wildlife” as we used to since the food supply chain has grown so industrialized. There are still a lot of individuals that rely on wildlife for their meals. Our nutrition degrades in the absence of a diversity of dietary sources. Ensuring the preservation of animals and natural environments contributes to global food security. Diversifying our meals and going back to more wild food sources are two other ways we might boost nutrition.

#4. Wildlife serves as a major source of medicine

Nature has always been a source of healing for humans. Herbs, spices, and other natural remedies are still used in many medical systems (such as Chinese traditional medicine), but without biodiversity, medicines wouldn’t be where they are now. Wild plants were used to make medications including aspirin, penicillin, and morphine. Researchers continue to turn to nature in their quest for treatments for illnesses like cancer and Alzheimer’s. It is preferable for them to have more opportunities to study animals.

#5. Lessening human illness transmission results from safeguarding wildlife and their habitats.

Human health depends on the preservation of wildlife and the environments in which it lives. Studies reveal lower rates of Lyme disease and malaria in diversified, protected natural regions. Animals are the source of 60% of infectious illnesses, including COVID-19. Living close to animals raises the possibility of illnesses “jumping” or changing species. Habitat preservation makes it unnecessary for people and wildlife to coexist in such close quarters.

#6. People’s livelihoods depend on wildlife

Many individuals make their living only from animals. Over half of the global GDP, or $44 trillion, is linked to nature, according to the World Economic Forum. 1.6 billion people in the Global South rely on forests. ¾ employment worldwide are dependent on water. Jobs are lost when wildlife and their habitats get smaller.

7. The cultural relevance of wildlife

It is impossible to overlook how wildlife affects culture. Food and religious beliefs have always been impacted by the existence of plants and animals. Sage is an essential plant for religious rites in many traditional cultures. Hinduism reveres cows and elephants as holy symbols. In addition to preserving memory and custom, regional cuisine created using local products foster community cohesion. It’s critical to safeguard animals if we hope to preserve culture and customs.

8. Wildlife has a significant economic impact

Travelers from all over the world are drawn to regions dedicated to protecting wildlife and natural environments. Over 10% of the global GDP is derived from tourism, which is largely dependent on wildlife in many regions. Particularly reliant on tourism are nations like Brazil, Australia, Kenya, and many more. The economies of many nations would suffer greatly in the absence of wildlife.

#9. Keeping animals safe generates greater employment

In relation to the economy, conserving wildlife also generates employment. For instance, a significant conservation and sustainable management project in Honduras increased community income levels by over 300% and produced over 8,000 new employment. Research professor Heidi Peltier, a specialist in employment in the American economy, claims that park development and conservation generate a lot more jobs than oil and gas. An economy that is more productive and sustainable is the result of the creation of “green” jobs.

#10. Spending time in environment and with wildlife is beneficial to mental health

A global mental health problem is present. There is proof that nature may be helpful. Living near animals and natural areas has been linked to increased physical and mental well-being, as well as increased activity levels. In one UK experiment, volunteers with mental health issues participated in conservation activities and nature excursions. They said they felt better after 12 weeks. Wildlife and the environments they dwell in need to be protected if we are to save our mental health.