Managers Can Address “Bare Minimum Monday” 2023

The latest trend in the workplace is to ease into the week. Some employees, particularly those in Generation Z, report scheduling fewer meetings on purpose and doing just enough to get by on Monday.

They claim that Bare Minimum Monday is not about laziness, but rather about valuing mental wellness. In fact, according to a LinkedIn poll, 75% of working people suffer the “Sunday Scaries” – a sensation of dread or anxiety about the impending week.

According to a survey conducted by Accountemps, Monday is the least productive day of the week for office workers, with an average of nearly four hours spent on non-work-related activities.

After a weekend of peace and quiet, it appears that the beginning of the workweek can be intimidating and stressful for many. Yet although doing the bare minimum to get by may seem like a sensible coping method for employees, it may be difficult for managers who are attempting to urge them to begin the week with enthusiasm.

Instead of fighting the issue, astute leaders may embrace it and use the following tactics to make Mondays less stressful and more invigorating.

Prioritize Tasks

Recently, a new employee confided in me, “I would kill for my manager to take just a few minutes on Monday to help me prioritize everything I have going on and perhaps give me an indication of how much autonomy I have to make decisions over the week.”

This remark merits a second reading by every leader. In many instances, managers believe they are conveying their expectations clearly when, in fact, they are not. This might cause employees to stagnate before the week has even begun. The most effective leaders do their utmost to make clear what is expected of each individual under their care, what chores are must-dos, and what jobs may wait if they become sidetracked by other responsibilities.

Beginning with a Laugh

People with creativity find connections between concepts or occurrences that others can only perceive when they are pointed out. Humor functions similarly. People with a good sense of humor are able to discover unexpected meanings in ordinary occurrences, which demands lateral or divergent thinking, a higher-level talent.

In summary, both creativity and comedy need a departure from the conventional perspective. According to findings published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, this is why just a few minutes of humor is sufficient to dramatically enhance creative problem-solving abilities. Consequently, beginning a Monday meeting with a minute or two of witty (family-friendly) comedy from a movie or television show may improve a group’s creativity and energy levels by leaps and bounds.

Promote Relaxation

Seventy percent or more of employees claim better productivity when they take brief breaks to exercise, socialize, or simply get some fresh air. In today’s always-on society, it is essential for managers to ensure that their employees take time away from their desks periodically to reenergize.

Make Monday the day that your team goes out to dinner or that you all stand up for a 5-minute stretch in the afternoon. Mondays at 3 p.m. on one programming team I visited, a different member of the team would play their favorite music throughout the office. Everyone ceased working, and some began dancing. It was a straightforward and efficient method for ensuring that everyone took at least three minutes to recharge.

Be Thankful

A fantastic approach to begin the week is by celebrating the accomplishments of team members from the previous week. Effective “recognition of excellence” cultures are up to three times more profitable than their rivals.

Regular and explicit public acknowledgment and thankfulness improve people’s disposition. Create and follow a strategy to begin each week by rewarding particular persons under your supervision, and you will not only have more intrinsic drive throughout the week, but you will also inspire more outstanding accomplishments.

Engaged team leaders must exert some effort and have a positive mentality in order to overcome Bare Minimum Mondays. By establishing objectives, prioritizing activities, taking pauses, and injecting humor and thankfulness into the group, managers may assist their employees in overcoming the Monday blues and establishing a pleasant tone for the week.

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